
Uncertain Uncertainty (Final Draft)

Uncertainty is one of the unvarying authenticities in this society we are in. Being uncertain about someone regardless of his/her background or how he/she appears, for me is just a normal fad. These are inevitable? Yes! But we need not to live by these forever. We can always help ourselves out and lessen the ambiguity among humanity. J
Berger and Calabrese enumerated seven important factors - verbal communication, nonverbal expressiveness, information-seeking behaviour, intimacy, reciprocity, similarity, and liking - and described their interrelationships in any dyadic exchange in helping us reduce uncertainties. (Berger and Calabrese, 1975)

“The beginnings of personal relationships are fraught with uncertainties. (Berger, 1975)”

During my high school days, I am fond of joining pageants, actually up until now.  And then I met an aloof type guy. He was one of the male candidates then.  He always approaches me as to take pictures with me. He always smiles but speaks very little whenever we talk. To the point that I could say, you are lucky enough to hear him talk for over fifteen seconds.J 
Berger identifies this point as the Entry Stage where information about another’s age, sex, and other demographic information is obtained. (Berger, 1975)

And then after some time, he asked me to help him for his field study. Being kinda interested about him, I agreed and we started to be more comfortable than before. We started eating together, walking home together and other stuff like that including deeper understanding and concern for each other, as friends. Personal Stage begins at that moment if we take Berger’s account- this stage takes place when communicators begin to share attitudes, beliefs, values, and more personal data. (Berger, 1975)

After one or two months of hanging around with each other, we finished his field study, and shortly after that, we rarely have seen or communicate with each other, neither via phone nor in person until now.
This I believe is the Exit Phase.
The Exit Phase, according to Berger begins when the communicators decide on future interaction plans. They may discuss or negotiate ways to allow the relationship to grow and continue. (Berger, 1975)
I believe that this statement is not applicable at all times. Take my example as a proof. We did not discuss nor decide on future interaction plans during the Exit Phase, it just happened. The interaction between the two of us terminated. Simply because matters like this aren't planned, except for lovers’ break up I guess. 
INCENTIVE, I believe incentive is the reason why he made a way of somehow being close to me. DEVIATION and ANTICIPATION of FUTURE INTERACTION are the other two given by Berger, as the main reasons why people seek information. (Berger, 1975)
The Uncertainty Reduction Theory is presented as a series of axioms, but some of these aren't really reliable and dependable because even Berger himself admits that his original statements contained some propositions of dubious validity. I myself, also find two of his axioms to be contradicting:
AXIOM 3, Information SeekingHigh levels of uncertainty cause increases in information-seeking behaviour. As uncertainty levels decline, information-seeking behaviour decreases.
AXIOM 7, Liking: Increases in uncertainty level produce decreases in liking; decreases in uncertainty produce increases in liking. (Berger and Calabrese, 1975)

I consider these two as contradicting axioms because I believe that if uncertainty increases, we tend to dislike the other person thus, halting ourselves to seek information about him/her.
And for the other way around, when uncertainty decreases, we tend to like the other person even more therefore, we dig deeper data and information about him/her.

We may think, some people love to live with uncertainties, so what is the use of reducing it? Well, this falls under our control. These are choices which can either make or break us. Furthermore, this is because it has been proven that people love surprises from their partners. They don’t want everything revealed as it is. We still crave for mysteries and conceal them area by area, layer by layer, and piece by piece. J

“The probability of a perfect communication is zero. (Berger, 1975)”

DATE RETRIEVED: December 26 and 27, 2013 respectively

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